
Monday, August 13, 2012

ေပၚေႏြလလွ်င္ (နတ္သွ်င္ေနာင္)

ေပၚေႏြလလွ်င္၊ ေတာင္ကၿခိမ့္ျမဴး၊ မင္းလြင္ဦးွႏွင့္၊ ပ်ံ႕ပ်ဴးခ်ဳပ္ထုိင္း၊ မုန္တုိင္းဆင္လို၊ တိမ္ညိဳမိႈင္းထပ္၊ ျပက္လွ်ပ္ျပကာ၊ စိမ္း၀ါမိုးပန္း၊ ေထြေထြစြန္းက၊ ေရသြန္းသာၾကည္၊ ေပ်ာ္ရမည္ကို ျမရည္သက္မွတ္၊ ေရာက္ခဲလတ္ဟု၊ ခ်စ္ထြတ္တင္သည္၊ ျပာစင္ရႊန္းလတ္၊ ျဖဴ၀န္းမြတ္လွ်င္၊ ၾကာၫြတ္ဖေယာင္း၊ ေနရွိန္ေျပာင္းသို႔၊ ဆင့္ေလာင္းလြမ္း၀ွန္၊ ရွိလိမ့္ဟန္ကို၊ တိမ္စြန္ေလလွ်င္၊ ဖူးေရာက္ခ်င္သည္။ ။ ငွက္သြင္ပ်ံႂကြမတတ္ေသာ။

ေျမာ္ေခ်ကလွ်င္၊ ကာလအေလ်ာက္၊ ပိေတာက္လ်ံခဲ၊ ေရႊရည္စြဲက၊ ပုလဲငံုသြယ္၊ အလွယ္လွယ္တိ၊ စံပယ္ျဖဴေမႊး၊ စံကားေသးကို၊ ျမတ္ေလးစံုမက္၊ ကၽြႏ္ုပ္လက္ျဖင့္၊ ေရြးလ်က္ရြရြ၊ မဆင္ရတည့္၊ ကာလသို႔ေအာင္၊ ရည္ေစာင္ပန္းမွန္၊ မမီလြန္ကဲ၊ ခ်ိန္တန္သို႔သည္၊ ျပန္မည္ေလသာ၊ မေရာက္လွာဟု၊ ႀကံကာေခြ၍၊ ေနလိမ့္မည္ကို၊ ရွိသည္မႈရန္၊ မင္းေရး၀န္ေၾကာင့္၊ ေလွ်ာက္ပန္ေစ့မွ်၊ မေခ်ရေသာ္၊ ၿပိဳက္က်သြယ္ျဖည္း၊ ႏွင္းထက္သည္း၍၊ ၀မ္းနည္းလ်က္ပင္၊ ေပ်ာင္းလိမ့္ထင္သည္။ ။ ညက္စင္စံမ်ား အထြတ္ေသာ။

ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖမွလွ်င္၊ ယုယသံခ်ိဳ၊ ေျပလိုစိမ့္သား၊ က်ဴးပိုက္ျဖား၍၊ ခ်ီသြားမူးမူး၊ ေရွ႕ရက္ဦးက၊ မက်ဴးထင္ထင္၊ ကဆုန္တြင္ကို၊ က်ိဳင္းစင္ျမခဲ၊ စစ္ပြဲရန္ႏွည္၊ ျပန္လွ်င္းမည္ဟု၊ ႏႈတ္ျခည္ေပၚသာ၊ ဆိုေလရွာေသာ္၊ မလႅာရနံ႔၊ ထံုပ်ံ႕ပန္းသတ္၊ ျခဴးနတ္ဆင့္ကံုး၊ စိန္ပြင့္အံုး၀ယ္၊ ပင့္႐ံုးရြရြ၊ လက္သင္မ၍၊ သက္မွ်ငယ္ခ်စ္၊ ေပ်ာင္းလိမ့္ျဖစ္ကို၊ စိစစ္မိမိ၊ သတိခ်ဳပ္ဆည္၊ ေျပမည္မွ်ေ၀း၊ ခ်စ္၀န္ေလးခဲ့၊ ေရးေရးဖူးခ်င္၊ မယ္သို႔လ်င္သည္။ ။ ငွက္ရွင္လွ်ံမွ်ရဟတ္ေသာ။
NAT SHIN NAUNG(1578-1619)

In coming summer, thunder from the south,
Early vapors spread and clutch like storms,
Dark clouds are stacked, lightning glimmers,
Rainbow drops from the highest shower.
“At the libation festival, we should meet with joy,
But the emerald of my life is tardy.”
So saying, she, the height of my love,
The blue pure elegance, the fair bright smoothness,
Is limp like a withered lotus or like wax
Which the sun’s vigor liquefies. To adore
The lineaments of her strong longing,
I would like to rise and fly in the winds of the sky,
But bird-like, I am powerless to soar.

The padauk flower of pearl and gold,
Pure-white jasmine and magnolia
Have appeared in their several seasons.
I would place them in her hair with my own hands,
But the seasons have passed. I can imagine her thinking
I have not returned at the appointed date.
How can I tell her that war duties keep me?
But she of the lovely complexion
Will let her tears fall heavier than thick mist.

“You hugged and caressed me, hoping to soothe me.
With a sweet voice, you said so casually,
When you set out, you’d be back in May, victorious.”
So saying, the one I loved as my life from youthful days,
Will lean back on the divan decorated
With floral designs and Malayan sandalwood.
Then, holding her hair from falling, she will languish.
Knowing this, the burden of love grows heavy,
And even while controlling my thoughts, I wish to rush to her like the wheeling disc of the sun.


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